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Judul Iklan*: Terobosan baru waralaba Cappuccino Cincau
Kategori Iklan*: franchise cappuccino cincau, waralaba cappuccino cincau,
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Isi Iklan*: Bayangkan cukup bayar Rp 4,5jt harga promo (Normal Rp 6,5jt)
anda bisa buka usaha Franchise Revo Cappuccino Cincau Balik modal 2 bln
GRATIS Franchise Fee senilai Rp 2.000.000,-
GRATIS Royalty Fee senilai 10% per bulan
GRATIS Fee tahunan senilai Rp 1.000.000,-
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Pelengkapan Usaha HAK MILIK & tanpa bagi hasil Hub: 081288328905 /
085692111023 / 087780689437 / 085711821375 / 02197347747 / PIN BB: 283CCCAC
Nama Pengirim*: revoindonesia
No HP/Telp.: 081288328905
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Posted By admin1 to ads at 7/20/2013 05:36:00 AM
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